Connection: M12 connector Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED SKU GWYFEHBHJNBH9L Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Electrical design: DC PNP Product Name: OY058S Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Shortcode: OYA1210-40-2-12-P-1
Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 SKU 230D7P72R2IVA0 Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Electrical design: DC PNP Product Name: OY059S Shortcode: OYA1360-40-2-12-P-1 Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Connection: M12 connector
Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm SKU FRS04XP3F7GRFA Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Connection: M12 connector Product Name: OY060S Shortcode: OYA1510-40-2-12-P-1 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Electrical design: DC PNP Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C
Product Name: OY061S SKU J3PJ3JPSJ1NZ5K Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Connection: M12 connector Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Electrical design: DC PNP Shortcode: OYA0160-40-4-12-P-1 Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Protection: IP 65 / IP 67
Connection: M12 connector Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Shortcode: OYA0310-40-4-12-P-1 Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Electrical design: DC PNP Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 SKU PEJWJKWIU6LQ9E Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Product Name: OY062S
Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Product Name: OY063S Electrical design: DC PNP Shortcode: OYA0460-40-4-12-P-1 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C SKU HHGQZAI74WIANP Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Connection: M12 connector
Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Product Name: OY064S Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Connection: M12 connector Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Shortcode: OYA0610-40-4-12-P-1 Electrical design: DC PNP SKU IWNVPNOV3KWG37
SKU S6ZMCXHXVQ7L13 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Electrical design: DC PNP Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Product Name: OY065S Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Connection: M12 connector Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Shortcode: OYA0760-40-4-12-P-1
Shortcode: OYA0910-40-4-12-P-1 Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) SKU QF796RRIGXNACV Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Connection: M12 connector Product Name: OY066S Electrical design: DC PNP
Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Product Name: OY067S SKU HJF5A1GSLL5NX3 Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Electrical design: DC PNP Shortcode: OYA1060-40-4-12-P-1 Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Connection: M12 connector Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8)
Shortcode: OYA1210-40-4-12-P-1 Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Connection: M12 connector Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Electrical design: DC PNP SKU 5HYQOB49X4YCSK Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Product Name: OY068S Protection: IP 65 / IP 67
SKU SFWR0IPX1XFN2J Electrical design: DC PNP Connection: M12 connector Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Product Name: OY069S Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Shortcode: OYA1360-40-4-12-P-1 Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm
Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Electrical design: DC PNP Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Connection: M12 connector Product Name: OY070S Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Shortcode: OYA1510-40-4-12-P-1 Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) SKU Z978NIYTX9GBS2 Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC
Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Electrical design: DC PNP Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Product Name: OY072S Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm SKU H73SOS11TS76BX Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Connection: M12 connector Shortcode: OYA0310-50-2-12-P-1
Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) SKU SU7LA8NAAK4ESM Connection: M12 connector Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Shortcode: OYA0460-50-2-12-P-1 Product Name: OY073S Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Electrical design: DC PNP Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC
Shortcode: OYA0610-50-2-12-P-1 Electrical design: DC PNP Connection: M12 connector Product Name: OY074S SKU XNRSX0C0D3POWI Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8)
Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Shortcode: OYA0760-50-2-12-P-1 Product Name: OY075S Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Connection: M12 connector Electrical design: DC PNP SKU PQ9DCA3KA1O4Z8
Electrical design: DC PNP Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm SKU TYAI7UWIWPZ15V Shortcode: OYA0910-50-2-12-P-1 Connection: M12 connector Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Product Name: OY076S Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Protection: IP 65 / IP 67
Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Shortcode: OYA1060-50-2-12-P-1 SKU WPIIA7L8C7K4JM Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Electrical design: DC PNP Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Product Name: OY077S Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Connection: M12 connector
Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm SKU V07LB4R259KA91 Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Connection: M12 connector Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Shortcode: OYA1210-50-2-12-P-1 Electrical design: DC PNP Product Name: OY078S
Connection: M12 connector Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Product Name: OY079S Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Shortcode: OYA1360-50-2-12-P-1 SKU FNMBX2CZK5UTDC Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Electrical design: DC PNP
Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Product Name: OY080S Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Shortcode: OYA1510-50-2-12-P-1 Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Connection: M12 connector Electrical design: DC PNP SKU AMA7XAKZNG2K17 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67
Shortcode: OYA0310-50-4-12-P-1 Connection: M12 connector Product Name: OY082S Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Electrical design: DC PNP SKU JT90SYA2DB65VS Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C
Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Electrical design: DC PNP Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Shortcode: OYA0460-50-4-12-P-1 Product Name: OY083S Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Connection: M12 connector SKU 65YE05MDX8SE83 Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm
Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Shortcode: OYA0610-50-4-12-P-1 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Connection: M12 connector Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Product Name: OY084S SKU 7NLYM672QUFJ0P Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Electrical design: DC PNP Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC
Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED SKU WGNJJIFKAXPDGE Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Electrical design: DC PNP Shortcode: OYA0760-50-4-12-P-1 Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Product Name: OY085S Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Connection: M12 connector
Product Name: OY086S SKU STVO2OZ06J33D2 Shortcode: OYA0910-50-4-12-P-1 Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Connection: M12 connector Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Electrical design: DC PNP Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8)
Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Product Name: OY087S Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Connection: M12 connector Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Shortcode: OYA1060-50-4-12-P-1 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 SKU 2OUDUQ1S7RST69 Electrical design: DC PNP Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8)
Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Shortcode: OYA1210-50-4-12-P-1 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC SKU UV4NTA25YZ58EW Connection: M12 connector Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm Product Name: OY088S Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Electrical design: DC PNP
Shortcode: OYA1360-50-4-12-P-1 Connection: M12 connector Display: Transmitter: 1 LED , Receiver: 2 LED Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 SKU 2HBEFDIBVQK1GK Ambient temperature: -10...55 °C Product Name: OY089S Housing materials: housing: aluminium, window: PC Operating voltage: 24 V DC (19.2...28.8) Electrical design: DC PNP Type of light: Infrared light 950 nm