Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Shortcode: VDOGF040VAS00.6E04STAF040VAS Connection: PVC cable / 0.6 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Design: angled / straight Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Electrical design: AC/DC SKU F87MBOWN9HQKDU Product Name: EVT191
Shortcode: VDOGF040VAS0001E04STAF040VAS Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K SKU 851BX3UF8WQQTV Connection: PVC cable / 1 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Product Name: EVT192 Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Electrical design: AC/DC Design: angled / straight Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM
SKU C3QBH9FUA8Q044 Shortcode: VDOGF040VAS0002E04STAF040VAS Product Name: EVT193 Connection: PVC cable / 2 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Design: angled / straight Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Electrical design: AC/DC Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C
Product Name: EVT194 Connection: PVC cable / 5 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Electrical design: AC/DC Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Shortcode: VDOGF040VAS0005E04STAF040VAS Design: angled / straight Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC SKU EYUOU0QWW08JYA Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K
Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Connection: PVC cable / 10 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Design: angled / straight Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K SKU 8OHUJE9P0A8OYV Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Electrical design: AC/DC Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Product Name: EVT195 Shortcode: VDOGF040VAS0010E04STAF040VAS
Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K SKU QXLEOECGLQYTOZ Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Electrical design: AC/DC Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Connection: PVC cable / 0.3 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Shortcode: VDOAF040VAS00.3E04STAF040VAS Product Name: EVT196 Design: angled / angled
Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Design: angled / angled Connection: PVC cable / 0.6 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Electrical design: AC/DC Shortcode: VDOAF040VAS00.6E04STAF040VAS Product Name: EVT197 SKU 8JK5SQBG6I8PUI Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC
Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Electrical design: AC/DC Connection: PVC cable / 1 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Design: angled / angled Product Name: EVT198 SKU ME69N51ZTAH9KY Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Shortcode: VDOAF040VAS0001E04STAF040VAS
Shortcode: VDOAF040VAS0002E04STAF040VAS Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Connection: PVC cable / 2 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Product Name: EVT199 Design: angled / angled SKU V08XO58V8NKPW4 Electrical design: AC/DC Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404
SKU 3PEBX6IQJBU3BY Shortcode: VDOAF040VAS0005E04STAF040VAS Design: angled / angled Electrical design: AC/DC Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Connection: PVC cable / 5 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Product Name: EVT200 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K
Shortcode: VDOAF040VAS0010E04STAF040VAS SKU VZLFVUWOWV2Y2D Design: angled / angled Electrical design: AC/DC Product Name: EVT201 Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Connection: PVC cable / 10 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K
Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Electrical design: AC/DC Product Name: EVT202 Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Shortcode: VDOGF030VAS01.5E03STGF030VAS Connection: PVC cable / 1.5 m, 3 x 0.34 mm² Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Design: straight / straight SKU Z44ASYW75SPJQL
Electrical design: AC/DC Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Product Name: EVT214 Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Connection: PVC cable / 50 m, 3 x 0.34 mm² SKU YCB5X0B60QG4PX Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Design: straight Shortcode: ADOGF030VAS0050E03 Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC
Electrical design: AC/DC SKU UYSSFS0YCHL17K Shortcode: VDOGF040VAS0002E04STGH040VAS Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Connection: PVC cable / 2 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Product Name: EVT215 Design: straight / straight Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C
Working voltage, DC < 60 V Technical code VDOGH030VAS0005E03STGF030VAS Voltage category AC/DC Code EVT216 Used materials housing: PVC orange- Sealing: EPDM Working voltage, AC < 50 V Link 5 m PVC-Cable- M8 / M12 Connector Level of protection IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K SKU SN6HGFT3UVJQ19 Temperature of surroundings -25...80 В°C
SKU XOQKP6YGHEAY49 Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Design: straight Product Name: EVT217 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Material body: housing: PVC orange Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Connection: PVC cable / 2 m, 3 x 0.34 mm² Electrical design: AC/DC Shortcode: ASTGF030VAS0002E03
Design: angled Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Product Name: EVT218 SKU 54FPTDHHJ3DRBE Electrical design: AC/DC Connection: PVC cable / 2 m, 3 x 0.34 mm² Shortcode: ASTAF030VAS0002E03 Material body: housing: PVC orange Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404
Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Shortcode: ASTGF040VAS0002E04 SKU 79FQKWOZ39BNMZ Material body: housing: PVC orange Electrical design: AC/DC Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Product Name: EVT219 Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Design: straight Connection: PVC cable / 2 m, 4 x 0.34 mm²
Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Design: angled Connection: PVC cable / 2 m, 4 x 0.34 mm² Product Name: EVT220 Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Material body: housing: PVC orange Shortcode: ASTAF040VAS0002E04 SKU YUFW1PYPHEPDBU Electrical design: AC/DC Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C
Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Connection: PVC cable / 2 m, 5 x 0.34 mm² Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 SKU PE7IG0Q7WANMLW Product Name: EVT235 Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Ambient temperature: -25...100, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Design: straight Shortcode: ADOGH050VAS0002E05 Electrical design: AC/DC Operating voltage: 60 V AC / 60 V DC
Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Product Name: EVT236 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Connection: PVC cable / 0.3 m, 3 x 0.34 mm² Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C SKU MLLH9HFLW52AUR Electrical design: AC/DC Shortcode: VDOGF030VAS00.3E03STGH030VAS Design: straight / straight Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404
Shortcode: VDOGF030VAS00.6E03STGH030VAS SKU YBQOAJHMJI1ZQ7 Connection: PVC cable / 0.6 m, 3 x 0.34 mm² Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Design: straight / straight Electrical design: AC/DC Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Product Name: EVT237 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K
Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Product Name: EVT238 Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Shortcode: VDOGF030VAS0001E03STGH030VAS SKU VN20OAS1DDFNUK Connection: PVC cable / 1 m, 3 x 0.34 mm² Electrical design: AC/DC Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Design: straight / straight Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM
Design: straight / straight Electrical design: AC/DC Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Product Name: EVT239 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Shortcode: VDOGF030VAS0002E03STGH030VAS Connection: PVC cable / 2 m, 3 x 0.34 mm² Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 SKU AFVQ5NDFGVT3XE Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC
Design: straight / straight Product Name: EVT240 Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Connection: PVC cable / 5 m, 3 x 0.34 mm² Electrical design: AC/DC SKU 174TZQKLSG4KDK Shortcode: VDOGF030VAS0005E03STGH030VAS
Ambient temperature: -25...80, cULus: max. 50 °C °C Shortcode: VDOGF030VAS01.5E03STGH030VAS Electrical design: AC/DC Product Name: EVT241 Connection: PVC cable / 1.5 m, 3 x 0.34 mm² SKU SDZH42U0P5WJDU Design: straight / straight Material nut: stainless steel 316L / 1.4404 Protection: IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K Operating voltage: 50 V AC / 60 V DC Material body: housing: PVC orange, sealing: EPDM