IFM Electronic - Photoelectric sensors for general applications

Part Number
SKU 7123GAIV9UW56M Output status indication: LED yellow Connection: PUR cable / 0.2 m, 3 x 0.14 mm² Product Name: O7H209 Current rating: 100 mA Protection: IP 65 Type of light: Red light 633 nm Shortcode: O7H-DNKG/0.20M/AS Ambient temperature: -25...60 °C Housing materials: PA Lens material: PMMA Range: 5...50 (referred to white paper 200 x 200 mm) mm Operating voltage: 10...30 V DC Switchin
Current rating: 100 mA Connection: PUR cable / 0.2 m, 3 x 0.14 mm² Protection: IP 65 Lens material: PMMA Output status indication: LED yellow Electrical design: DC NPN Output function: light-on mode Ambient temperature: -25...60 °C Housing materials: PA Shortcode: O7H-HNKG/0.20M/AS Operating voltage: 10...30 V DC Type of light: Red light 633 nm Switching frequency: 750 Hz Range: 3...100 (refe
Protection: IP 65 Type of light: Red light 633 nm Output function: dark-on mode Current rating: 100 mA Shortcode: O7H-DNKG/0.20M/AS Ambient temperature: -25...60 °C Connection: PUR cable / 0.2 m, 3 x 0.14 mm² SKU O3WRZ9XQFE5BZ2 Electrical design: DC NPN Lens material: PMMA Operating voltage: 10...30 V DC Switching frequency: 750 Hz Product Name: O7H211 Output status indication: LED yellow
Code O7H212 Voltage category DC Lens adjustment side lens Output type light-on mode Switch frequency (Hz), DC 750 Hz Background subduing accessible yes Degree of protection III Technical code O7H-HPKG/2M/PH Light category red light Type of lens (material) PMMA Working range 3...100 mm Working voltage, DC 10...30 V SKU 659V4QC2AQTVGP Link 2 m PUR-Cable Temperature of surroundings -25...60
Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Background subduing accessible yes Electrical scheme NPN Level of protection IP 65 Voltage category DC Used materials PA Switch frequency (Hz), DC 750 Hz Output type light-on mode Display type switching status: 1 x LED yellow Degree of protection III Ability to adjust the range no Type of lens (material) PMMA Code O7H213 Link 0.6 m PUR-Cable- M12 Connector Lig
Output function: dark-on mode Protection: IP 65 Product Name: O7P200 Type of light: Red light 633 nm Ambient temperature: -25...60 °C Housing materials: PA Current rating: 100 mA Sensing range: 0.03...1 (Prismatic reflector Ø 80 (E20005), Prismatic reflector 50 x 50 mm (E20744)) m SKU YDEXTOINRBLEZQ Output status indication: LED yellow Connection: PUR cable / 0.2 m, 3 x 0.14 mm² Lens material: PMM
Housing materials: PA Operating voltage: 10...30 V DC Connection: PUR cable / 0.2 m, 3 x 0.14 mm² Sensing range: 0.03...1 (Prismatic reflector Ø 80 (E20005), Prismatic reflector 50 x 50 mm (E20744)) m Current rating: 100 mA Protection: IP 65 Electrical design: DC PNP Output status indication: LED yellow Output function: light-on mode Type of light: Red light 633 nm Product Name: O7P201 Lens material
Electrical design: DC NPN Housing materials: PA Switching frequency: 1000 Hz Sensing range: 0.03...1 (Prismatic reflector Ø 80 (E20005), Prismatic reflector 50 x 50 mm (E20744)) m Lens material: PMMA Product Name: O7P202 Current rating: 100 mA Ambient temperature: -25...60 °C Operating voltage: 10...30 V DC Type of light: Red light 633 nm SKU BX2AGJWX9Q7GZJ Protection: IP 65 Output function: da
Lens material: PMMA Output status indication: LED yellow Product Name: O7P203 Current rating: 100 mA Shortcode: O7P-HNKG/0.20M/AS Switching frequency: 1000 Hz Housing materials: PA Output function: light-on mode Type of light: Red light 633 nm Sensing range: 0.03...1 (Prismatic reflector Ø 80 (E20005), Prismatic reflector 50 x 50 mm (E20744)) m Electrical design: DC NPN Ambient temperature: -25...60
Type of lens (material) PMMA Range of prismatic reflector 0.03...1 m Output type dark-on mode Ability to adjust the range no Light category red light Voltage category DC Technical code O7P-DPKG/2M/PH Lens adjustment side lens Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Display type switching status: 1 x LED yellow Availability of polarisation filter yes Temperature of surrounding
Operating voltage: 10...30 V DC Operation: LED green Type of light: Red light 633 nm Connection: PUR cable / 0.2 m, 3 x 0.14 mm² Ambient temperature: -25...60 °C Lens material: PMMA Protection: IP 65 Product Name: O7S200 SKU NKGM9RGYZUGMFK Shortcode: O7S-OOKG/0.20M/AS Sensing range: 0...1.5 m Switching frequency: 1000 Hz Electrical design: DC Housing materials: PA
Description: O7S-OOKG/2M/AS/3P Series: efe200, RG1
Working range < 3 m Output type dark-on mode Code O8E200 Link 2 m PVC-Cable Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Light category red light Degree of protection III Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Electrical scheme PNP SKU SCZ18132EOZWHK Voltage category DC Technical code O8E-DPKG/IO-Link/2,0M Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Lens adjustment side lens Working voltage, DC 10...3
Technical code O8E-DNKG/2,0M Voltage category DC Link 2 m PVC-Cable SKU HLXDZGV6CLFVLS Working range < 3 m Degree of protection III Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Electrical scheme NPN Output type dark-on mode Code O8E201 Lens adjustment side lens Light category red light Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Typ
Electrical scheme PNP Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Output type dark-on mode Degree of protection III Working range < 3 m Code O8E202 Lens adjustment side lens SKU 9BCJ5GOTPVOJ27 Voltage category DC Light category red light Type of lens (material) PMMA Technical code O8E-DPKG/IO-Link/0,30M/AS/3P Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Link 0.3 m PV
Type of lens (material) PMMA Electrical scheme NPN Light category red light Technical code O8E-DNKG/0,30M/AS/3P Code O8E203 Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Degree of protection III SKU I22QWU67B5TXGL Output type dark-on mode Link 0.3 m PVC-Cable- M8 Connector Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Working range < 3 m Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz V
Type of lens (material) PMMA Link 0.3 m PVC-Cable- M8 Connector Lens adjustment side lens Light category red light Voltage category DC Electrical scheme PNP Output type dark-on mode Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Code O8E204 Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Working range < 3 m SKU Q9WTDHO8R7QKI3 Technical code
Code O8E205 Degree of protection III Electrical scheme NPN Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Type of lens (material) PMMA Light category red light Link 0.3 m PVC-Cable- M8 Connector Working range < 3 m Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Technical code O8E-DNKG/0,30M/AS/4P Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Lens adjustment side lens Voltage category DC Output type dark-on mode Wo
Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Output type light-on mode SKU V1RW0G0EH3NGU0 Technical code O8H-HPKG/IO-Link/2,0M Ability to adjust the range yes Lens adjustment side lens Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Background subduing accessible yes Working range 3...15 mm Communication int. IO-Link Type of lens (material) PMMA Code O8H200 Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Switch frequency (Hz)
Link 2 m PVC-Cable Working range 3...15 mm Technical code O8H-HNKG/2,0M Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Lens adjustment side lens Output type light-on mode Code O8H201 Voltage category DC Light category red light Type of lens (material) PMMA Degree of protection III Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Ability to ad
Working range 3...15 mm SKU HY6RJTK7V564M6 Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Background subduing accessible yes Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Ability to adjust the range yes Technical code O8H-HPKG/IO-Link/0,30M/AS/3P Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Link 0.3 m PVC-Cable- M8 Connector Voltage category DC Type of lens (material) PMMA Electrical scheme P
Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Link 0.3 m PVC-Cable- M8 Connector Output type light-on mode Ability to adjust the range no Technical code O8H-HNKG/0,30M/AS/3P Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz SKU 17VARTZK6SROO3 Type of lens (material) PMMA Lens adjustment side lens Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Working range 3...15 mm Light category red light B
Code O8H204 Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Link 0.3 m PVC-Cable- M8 Connector SKU Z4LGGEZDWNWS13 Light category red light Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Output type light-on mode Voltage category DC Communication int. IO-Link Electrical scheme PNP Degree of protection III Background subduing accessible yes Working range 3...15 mm Lens adjustment side lens Technical code O8H-HPKG/IO-Li
Voltage category DC Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Lens adjustment side lens Link 0.3 m PVC-Cable- M8 Connector Technical code O8H-HNKG/0,30M/AS/4P Output type light-on mode Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Code O8H205 Working range 3...15 mm Type of lens (material) PMMA Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Degree of protection III Electrical scheme NPN Light category red light Bac
Ability to adjust the range yes Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Communication int. IO-Link Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Output type light-on mode Technical code O8H-HPKG/IO-Link/2,0M Working range 1...30 mm Link 2 m PVC-Cable Code O8H206 Background subduing accessible yes Light category red light Lens adjustment side lens Electrical scheme PNP
Voltage category DC SKU 7EO02Y8HY2MFPC Code O8H207 Working range 1...30 mm Background subduing accessible yes Ability to adjust the range no Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Output type light-on mode Electrical scheme NPN Degree of protection III Type of lens (material) PMMA Link 2 m PVC-Cable Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Light category red
Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Working range 1...30 mm Light category red light Type of lens (material) PMMA Communication int. IO-Link Link 0.3 m PVC-Cable- M8 Connector Electrical scheme PNP Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Degree of protection III Code O8H208 Voltage category DC Background subduing accessible yes SKU GL6PCY4R1TVFII Output type light-o
Voltage category DC Working range 1...30 mm Lens adjustment side lens Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Technical code O8H-HNKG/0,30M/AS/3P Type of lens (material) PMMA Code O8H209 Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Output type light-on mode Ability to adjust the range no Link 0.3 m PVC-Cable- M8 Connector Degree of protection III Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Light category red light
Light category red light Code O8H210 Electrical scheme PNP Technical code O8H-HPKG/IO-Link/0,30M/AS/4P Background subduing accessible yes Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Voltage category DC SKU MXAKH98P5QB6MJ Link 0.3 m PVC-Cable- M8 Connector Degree of protection III Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Lens adjustment side lens Type of lens (material)
Ability to adjust the range no Working voltage, DC 10...30 V Light category red light Code O8H211 Degree of protection III Level of protection IP 65, IP 67 Background subduing accessible yes Voltage category DC Working range 1...30 mm SKU J3A1YDYFSYTPCE Link 0.3 m PVC-Cable- M8 Connector Output type light-on mode Lens adjustment side lens Switch frequency (Hz), DC 1000 Hz Temperature o
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