Type of lens (material) PMMA Degree of protection II Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C SKU 8I5YEROVZWCM0B Lens adjustment side lens Working voltage, DC 20...250 V Code OA0102 Switch frequency (Hz), DC 10 Hz Technical code OAE-FKOA Voltage category AC/DC Level of protection IP 65 Working range 25...50 m Ability to adjust the range yes Working voltage, AC 20...250 V Switch frequen
Output status signal LED yellow SKU EH60C1XD93F55J Display LED red Working voltage 20...250 V AC/DC (47...63 Hz V AC) Level of protection IP 65 Type of lens (material) PMMA Light category Infrared light 880 nm Case material: modified PPO Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Name of the product OA0103 Power range LED green Technical code OAE-FKOA/T Sensitivity range 25...50 (depending on the t
Used materials PPO modified Working voltage, DC 20...250 V Electrical scheme relay Switch frequency (Hz), AC 10 Hz Code OA0104 Range of prismatic reflector 0.25...10 m Ability to adjust the range yes SKU D9T9RZZEAJNL0D Working voltage, AC 20...250 V Degree of protection II Type of lens (material) PMMA Switch frequency (Hz), DC 10 Hz Lens adjustment side lens Technical code OAR-FKOA Lin
Code OA0105 SKU FQ3TKM8DTQJX28 Type of lens (material) PMMA Ability to adjust the range yes Lens adjustment side lens Technical code OAR-FKOA/T Light category infrared light Electrical scheme relay Used materials PPO modified Working voltage, DC 20...250 V Voltage category AC/DC Switch frequency (Hz), AC 10 Hz Range of prismatic reflector 0.25...10 m Switch frequency (Hz), DC 10 Hz Tempe
Lens adjustment side lens Switch frequency (Hz), DC 10 Hz Ability to adjust the range yes Light category red light Level of protection IP 65 Working voltage, DC 20...250 V Range of prismatic reflector 0.2...8 m Link terminals Switch frequency (Hz), AC 10 Hz Code OA0106 Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Technical code OAP-FKOA SKU C4071MS9GVL39Q Used materials PPO modified Degree o
Working voltage, DC 20...250 V Voltage category AC/DC Degree of protection II Technical code OAP-FKOA/T Range of prismatic reflector 0.2...8 m Availability of polarisation filter yes Working voltage, AC 20...250 V Ability to adjust the range yes Light category red light Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Electrical scheme relay Lens adjustment side lens SKU 26GI89YYH9VYBD Link terminals
Code OA0108 Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C SKU UMZ79D17054D9R Link terminals Technical code OAT-FKOA Working range 5...1500 mm Level of protection IP 65 Electrical scheme relay Used materials PPO modified Voltage category AC/DC Lens adjustment side lens Switch frequency (Hz), AC 10 Hz Ability to adjust the range yes Switch frequency (Hz), DC 10 Hz Type of lens (material) P
Lens adjustment side lens Type of lens (material) PMMA Code OA0109 Switch frequency (Hz), AC 10 Hz Light category infrared light Level of protection IP 65 Ability to adjust the range yes Used materials PPO modified Working voltage, AC 20...250 V Electrical scheme relay Working voltage, DC 20...250 V Voltage category AC/DC Technical code OAT-FKOA/T Degree of protection II Temperature of
Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Link terminals Working voltage, DC 20...250 V Working voltage, AC 20...250 V Used materials PPO modified Ability to adjust the range no Voltage category AC/DC Display type operation: 1 x LED green SKU 6RNWNKGZXJF2ZN Level of protection IP 65 Light category infrared light Code OA0101 Lens adjustment side lens Working range < 50 m Degree of protectio
Degree of protection II Used materials PPO modified Lens adjustment side lens Light category infrared light Working voltage, AC 20...250 V Voltage category AC/DC Link terminals Switch frequency (Hz), AC 10 Hz Type of lens (material) PMMA Working voltage, DC 20...250 V Technical code OAE-FKOA/O.MONTZU Level of protection IP 65 Electrical scheme relay Working range 25...50 m Code OA0102
Working voltage 20...250 V AC/DC (47...63 Hz V AC) Sensitivity range 25 m Power range LED green Light category Infrared light 880 nm SKU FKJMLKKK19VRJ5 Name of the product OA0126 Type of lens (material) PMMA Technical code OAS-OOOA Case material: modified PPO Electrical scheme AC/DC Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Joining terminals up to 1.5 mmВІ Level of protection IP 65
Product Name: OA5101 Operation: LED green Type of light: Infrared light 880 nm Sensing range: 50 m SKU 049SCPK3SA8JDY Connection: terminals up to 1.5 mm² Operating voltage: 10...36 V DC Electrical design: DC Shortcode: OAS-OOKG Protection: IP 65 Ambient temperature: -25...60 °C Lens material: PMMA Housing materials: modified PPO
Technical code OAE-FCKG Used materials PPO modified Ability to adjust the range yes Voltage category DC Level of protection IP 65 Light category infrared light Electrical scheme PNP/NPN Switch frequency (Hz), DC 300 Hz Degree of protection II Lens adjustment side lens Working voltage, DC 10...36 V Working range < 50 m Link terminals Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C SKU 3WV5
Electrical scheme DC PNP/NPN Joining terminals up to 1.5 mmВІ Output type light-on / dark-on programmable Case material: modified PPO SKU OUG2A745WR17WV Power range LED green Type of lens (material) PMMA Nominal current rating 250 mA Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Name of the product OA5103 Sensitivity range 50 m Level of protection IP 65 Technical code OAE-FCKG/T Light category I
Test function of output yes Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Type of lens (material) PMMA Voltage category DC Light category infrared light Range of prismatic reflector 0.25...10 m Lens adjustment side lens Link terminals Used materials PPO modified Degree of protection II Switch frequency (Hz), DC 300 Hz Level of protection IP 65 Electrical scheme PNP/NPN SKU E59QZF5NRCZ590
Case material: modified PPO Working voltage 10...36 V DC Output status signal LED yellow Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Sensitivity range 0.25...10 (Prismatic reflector Г
Electrical scheme PNP/NPN Voltage category DC Level of protection IP 65 Switch frequency (Hz), DC 300 Hz Type of lens (material) PMMA Lens adjustment side lens Code OA5106 Availability of polarisation filter yes Used materials PPO modified Light category red light Test function of output yes Working voltage, DC 10...36 V Link terminals Technical code OAP-FCKG SKU EZ7C178UQ69UW2 Deg
Used materials PPO modified Ability to adjust the range yes Code OA5108 Test function of output yes Working voltage, DC 10...36 V Degree of protection II Lens adjustment side lens Technical code OAT-FCKG Type of lens (material) PMMA Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Switch frequency (Hz), DC 300 Hz Level of protection IP 65 SKU Y4PWI800QD628I Working range 5...1500 mm Light ca
Output type light-on / dark-on programmable Case material: modified PPO Light category Infrared light 880 nm SKU 97J4IN2BQOIUCK Working voltage 10...36 V DC Joining terminals up to 1.5 mmВІ Level of protection IP 65 Power range LED green Switch frequency (Hz) 300 Hz Electrical scheme DC PNP/NPN Working range 5...1500 (referred to white paper 200 x 200 mm) mm Name of the product OA5109 Output statu
Case material: modified PPO Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Power range LED green Name of the product OA5118 Light category red light 660 nm Joining M12 connector Level of protection IP 65 Switch frequency (Hz) 300 Hz Working voltage 10...36 V DC Display LED red Sensitivity range 8 (Prismatic reflector Г
Level of protection IP 65 Code OA5120 Working voltage, DC 10...36 V Link M12 Connector Ability to adjust the range yes Voltage category DC Type of lens (material) PMMA Technical code OAT-FPKG/US Used materials PPO modified Light category infrared light Degree of protection II SKU RY10FP9ZF6ZFYL Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Switch frequency (Hz), DC 300 Hz Electrical scheme P
SKU 7XHNLPVBU482V0 Code OA5209 Used materials PPO modified Electrical scheme PNP/NPN Lens adjustment side lens Technical code OAT-FCKG/T Working voltage, DC 10...36 V Switch frequency (Hz), DC 300 Hz Light category infrared light Level of protection IP 65 Type of lens (material) PMMA Test function of output yes Voltage category DC Temperature of surroundings -25...60 В°C Degree of pr