IFM Electronic - Flow sensors and flow meters

Part Number
Description: SDR38DGXFPKG/US-100-IPF Series: efe300, RG2
Description: SDR12DGXFPKG/US-100-IPF Series: efe300, RG2
Description: SDR11DGXFPKG/US-100-IPF Series: efe300, RG2
Description: SDR11DGXFPKG/US-100 Series: efe300, RG2
Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Code SD2000 Degree of protection III SKU CERTS2N0V7SRR8 Applying for industrial applications Average temperature 0...60 В°C Working voltage, DC 18...30 V Type of process connection threaded connection R 2 DN50 Measuring scope 0.04...11.66 mВі/min Communication int. IO-Link Level of protection IP 65 Ele
Working voltage, DC 19...30 V Technical code SDN21DGXFPKG/US-100 SKU O1L99LY3PRQSMZ Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Nominal pressure 16 bar Applying for industrial applications Degree of protection III Voltage category DC Code SD2001 Outputs, total ammount 2 Measuring scope 1.4...412 scfm Electrical scheme PNP Link M12 Connector Type of process connection threaded conn
Electrical scheme PNP Measuring scope 0.04...15 mВі/h Outputs, total ammount 2 Nominal pressure 16 bar Link M12 Connector Degree of protection III Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Average temperature 0...60 В°C Applying for industrial applications Communication int. IO-Link Code SD5000 SKU 4RLW17GNHG4KEJ Voltage category DC Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA
Nominal pressure 16 bar Measuring scope 0.08...24.04 mВі/h Technical code SDR14DGXFPKG/US-100 Working voltage, DC 18...30 V Communication int. IO-Link Outputs, total ammount 2 Type of process connection threaded connection G 1/4 DN8 Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Code SD5100 Electrical scheme PNP Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Average temperature 0...60 В°C Vol
Description: SDR14DGXFPKG/US-100 Series: efe300, RG2
Working voltage, DC 18...30 V Average temperature 0...60 В°C Technical code SDR12DGXFPKG/US-100 Voltage category DC Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Nominal pressure 16 bar SKU C0W33XEG9BXA4M Outputs, total ammount 2 Level of protection IP 65 Applying for industrial applications Electrical scheme PNP Type of process connection threaded con
Degree of protection III Nominal pressure 16 bar Electrical scheme PNP Link M12 Connector SKU RBHUIGM76ADMB5 Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Working voltage, DC 19...30 V Technical code SDN12DGXFPKG/US-100 Measuring scope 0.2...44.1 scfm Voltage category DC Type of process connection threaded connection 1/2 NPT DN15 Code SD6001 Outputs, total ammount 2 Applying for industria
Nominal pressure 16 bar Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Link M12 Connector Code SD6050 Measuring scope 0.2...75 mВі/h Average temperature 0...60 В°C Outputs, total ammount 2 Voltage category DC Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Electrical scheme PNP Level of protection IP 65 Communication int. IO-Link Working voltage, DC 18...30 V Applying for industrial appli
Average temperature 0...60 В°C Technical code SDR12DGXFPKG/US-100 Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Communication int. IO-Link Measuring scope 0.4...122 mВі/h Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Level of protection IP 65 Link M12 Connector Degree of protection III Applying for industrial applications SKU NR85DJK41X76YC Electrical scheme PNP Working voltage, DC 18...30
SKU BCBUVKK5ZM0MQG Degree of protection III Technical code SDN12DGXFPKG/US-100 Applying for industrial applications Level of protection IP 65 Outputs, total ammount 2 Link M12 Connector Communication int. IO-Link Voltage category DC Measuring scope 0.15...44 scfm Code SD6101 Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Type of process connection threaded connection 1/2 NPT DN15 Electric
Description: SDR12DGXFPKG/US-100 Series: efe300, RG2
Type of process connection threaded connection R 1 DN25 Working voltage, DC 18...30 V Measuring scope 0.7...225 mВі/h Applying for industrial applications Nominal pressure 16 bar Degree of protection III Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Electrical scheme PNP Technical code SDR11DGXFPKG/US-100 SKU Y6ZTAPVLRNZRD4 Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Outputs, total ammount 2
Voltage category DC SKU EUH690JQPLIQJN Degree of protection III Nominal pressure 16 bar Working voltage, DC 19...30 V Link M12 Connector Outputs, total ammount 2 Applying for industrial applications Code SD8001 Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Technical code SDN11DGXFPKG/US-100 Type of process connection threaded connection 1 NPT DN25 Level of protection IP 65 Measuring
Working voltage, DC 18...30 V SKU OF6TWN87GG14M3 Link M12 Connector Type of process connection threaded connection R 1 DN25 Outputs, total ammount 2 Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Voltage category DC Nominal pressure 16 bar Degree of protection III Communication int. IO-Link Technical code SDR11DGXFPKG/US-100 Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Electrical scheme PNP Avera
Description: SDR11DGXFPKG / US-100 Series: efe300, RG2
Outputs, total ammount 2 Working voltage, DC 18...30 V Code SD9000 Average temperature 0...60 В°C Degree of protection III Electrical scheme PNP Communication int. IO-Link Technical code SDR32DGXFPKG/US-100 Measuring scope 1.5...410 mВі/h Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Voltage category DC Type of process connection threaded con
Description: SDR21DGX-FPKG-G2/US Series: efe300, RGN
Nominal pressure 16 bar Technical code SDG2 1/2"METRIS PB DN65 SS Code SDG070 Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Type of process connection flange DN65 SKU 41VRUBXXFLXWZE Level of protection IP 65 Voltage category DC Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Applying totaliser function Average temperature 0...60 В°C Degree of protection III Working voltage, DC 19...30 V Outputs
Level of protection IP 65 Type of process connection flange DN80 Measuring scope 9...2750 mВі/h Code SDG080 Average temperature 0...60 В°C Applying totaliser function Technical code SDG3"/METRIS PB DN80 Outputs, total ammount 2 Working voltage, DC 19...30 V Link M12 Connector Nominal pressure 16 bar Electrical scheme PNP Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Temperature of
Electrical scheme PNP Level of protection IP 65 Degree of protection III Code SDG082 Measuring scope 9...2750 mВі/h Outputs, total ammount 2 Nominal pressure 16 bar SKU 1HHCNSKT5Y3O2K Type of process connection flange DN80 Voltage category DC Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Technical code SDG3"/METRIS PB DN80 LM Working voltage,
Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Outputs, total ammount 2 Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Type of process connection flange DN80 Voltage category DC Technical code SDG3"/METRIS PB DN80 SS LM Link M12 Connector Electrical scheme PNP Working voltage, DC 19...30 V Measuring scope 9...2750 mВі/h SKU B18S74IIT82MB1 Code SDG087 Nominal pressure 16 bar Average temperat
Link M12 Connector Code SDG100 Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Working voltage, DC 19...30 V Degree of protection III Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Type of process connection flange DN100 Nominal pressure 16 bar Applying totaliser function Average temperature 0...60 В°C SKU LBAJ7VXRBXR2BD Technical code SDG4"/METRIS PB DN100 Measuring scope 15...4400 mВі/h Ou
Link M12 Connector SKU BGPSSGWCT03Y4X Level of protection IP 65 Electrical scheme PNP Average temperature 0...60 В°C Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Working voltage, DC 19...30 V Type of process connection flange DN100 Degree of protection III Nominal pressure 16 bar Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Measuring scope 15...4400 mВі/h Technical code SDG4"/METRIS PB DN1
Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Level of protection IP 65 Working voltage, DC 19...30 V Type of process connection flange DN100 SKU 2UEBH7O5V9LYX1 Technical code SDG4"/METRIS PB DN100 SS LM Nominal pressure 16 bar Degree of protection III Voltage category DC Applying totaliser function Link M12 Connector Average temperature 0...60 В°C Electrical scheme PNP Outputs, total ammou
SKU LMXQ0WZZK4BPUO Type of process connection flange DN150 Average temperature 0...60 В°C Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Level of protection IP 65 Working voltage, DC 19...30 V Measuring scope 33...10000 mВі/h Electrical scheme PNP Link M12 Connector Nominal pressure 16 bar Voltage category DC Outputs, total ammount 2 Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Degree o
Type of process connection flange DN150 Outputs, total ammount 2 Output of analog current 4...20- (scalable) mA Voltage category DC Nominal pressure 16 bar SKU O9G6PW0WA1WR4L Level of protection IP 65 Link M12 Connector Code SDG152 Temperature of surroundings 0...60 В°C Electrical scheme PNP Working voltage, DC 19...30 V Measuring scope 33...10000 mВі/h Technical code SDG6"/METRIS PB
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