MAIN CHARACTERISTICS range COMPACT range of product NSX100..250 product name MICROLOGIC product or component type CONTROL UNIT range compatibility COMPACT NSX100 device application DISTRIBUTION poles description 4P protected poles description 3T neutral position LEFT network type AC network frequency 50 60 HZ trip unit name MICROLOGIC 5.2 E trip unit technology ELECTRONIC trip unit protection functions LSI trip unit rating 100 A 40 C protection type INSTT SHORT-CIRCUIT PROTECTION COMPLEMETARY CHARACTERISTICS mounting mode FIXED [Ue] rated operational voltage 690 V AC 5060 HZ neutral protection setting 0.5 X IR 3T + N2 long time pick-up adjstment type Ir ADJUSTABLE long time pick-up adjustment range 40..100 A long time delay adjustment type ADJUSTABLE [tr] long-time delay adjustment range 15..400 S 1.5 X IR thermal memory 20 MINUTES BFR+AFTER TRIPPING short-time pick-up adjustment type Isd ADJUSTABLE [Isd] short-time pick-up adjustment range 1.5..10 X IR short-time delay adjustment type ADJUSTABLE [tsd] short-time delay adjustment range 0...0.4 S instantaneous pick-up adjustment type Ii ADJUSTABLE instantaneous pick-up adjustment range 1.5..12 X IN COMPACT NSX250 zone selective interlocking ZSI WITH communication of data DEMAND CURRENT AND POWER display type LCD DISPLAY type of measurement ENERGY METER electrical data recording MAINTENANCE INDICATORS