Degree of protection III Linearity diversion < В± 0,15- (Turn down 1:1) X21 Working voltage, DC 20...32 V Temperature coefficient, starting point < В± 0,05 X22 Code PI1696 Measuring scope -0.124...2.5 bar Nominal pressure 20 bar Output type analogue Type of output signal analogue signal Level of protection IP 67- IP 69K Applying hygienic systems SKU 6SUILHLDIMBO43 Voltage category DC Bursting pressure, minimum 50 bar Average temperature -25...125- (145 max. 1h) В°C Hysteresis fluctuation < В± 0,15- (Turn down 1:1) X21 Technical code PI-2,5-REA01-E-ZVG/US/ /P Outputs, total ammount 1 Temperature of surroundings -25...80 В°C Link M12 Connector